Main content blocks
English courses
- Basic Principles of Supply Chain Management for Health Systems
- Procurement of Medicines and Medical Supplies
- Forecasting and Quantification of Medicines and Health Products
Cours en français
- Gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement pour les systèmes de santé
- Approvisionnement en médicaments et fournitures médicales
- Quantification des produits de santé essentiels
Curso em português
Curso en español
English courses
- Quality Assurance in Supply Chain Management of Medicines
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the Supply Chain of Medicines
- Laboratory Supply Chain Management
- Good Manufacturing Practices for Medicines and GMP inspections
- Leadership and Governance for Health Supply Chain Management
- Warehouse Management for Public Health Systems
- Logistics Management Information Systems in Healthcare
- Managing Transport and Distribution of Medicines Up to the Last Mile
- Change Management in Healthcare
- Soft Skills for Health Supply Chain Managers
Cours en français
- Assurance qualité dans la gestion logistique des médicaments